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the films of the nouvelle vague

  French New Wave A-Z
French New Wave Films
French New Wave Directors
French New Wave Actors

english flag   English Title Index  
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
A Nudez de Alexandra A Nudez de Alexandra 1976
Pierre Kast
A.K. A.K. 1985
Chris Marker
Acrobat, The L'Acrobat 1976
Jean-Daniel Pollet
Alas For Me Hélas pour moi 1993
Jean-Luc Godard
Alice and Martin Alice and Martin 1998
André Téchiné
All the Boys are Called Patrick Tous les garcons s'appellent Patrick 1957
Jean-Luc Godard
All the World's Memory Toute la mémoire du monde 1956
Alain Resnais
All's Well Tout va bien 1972
Jean-Luc Godard
Alphaville Alphaville 1965
Jean-Luc Godard
America As Seen by a Frenchman L'Amérique insolite 1960
Francois Reichenbach
An Autumn Tale Conte d'automne 1998
Eric Rohmer
Anatomy of a Relationship Anatomie d'un rapport 1976
Luc Moullet
And God Created Woman Et Dieu… crea la femme 1956
Jean Vadim
And Now My Love Toute une vie 1974
Claude Lelouch
Antoine and Colette Antoine et Colette 1962
Francois Truffaut
Armageddon Armaguedon 1977
Alain Jessua
Army in the Shadows L'Armée des ombres 1969
Jean-Pierre Melville
Arthur Rubinstein – The Love of Life L'Amour de la vie – Artur Rubinstein 1969
Francois Reichenbach
As Long as the Drink Lasts Pourvu qu'on ait l'ivresse 1958
Jean-Daniel Pollet
Atlantic City Atlantic City 1980
Louis Malle
Aviator's Wife, The Femme de l'Aviateur 1980
Eric Rohmer

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